Stories of Hope

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words and never stops at all."
-Emily Dickinson

This blog is dedicated to recounting Stories of Hope in the contexts that I find them. The human spirit is so resilient in times of crisis, it should never cease to amaze us.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Power of Stories

Any of you who know me, know that stories matter to me. A Lot.
And this is part of my regular speech about stories, why I love them, and why I am dedicating myself to helping others tell their stories and find meaning in their stories.

Unlocking the stories is a powerful thing.
There is power in the story.
There is power in the telling.
There is power for the person who tells their story in their own way and has a revelation.

I believe that stories can move people to change. Stories can inspire us into envisioning a new normal. But sometimes we get stuck in the old ways, themes, narratives and need a jump-start to think ourselves out.

Big shout-out today to David Osborn for recommending a few super cool links to me today.
#1) SmartMeme in San Francsico.
Here they write about The Power of Stories - Check it.
#2) Stephen Duncombe wrote a book called DREAM about the need to think and communicate in todays world in a way that will compel people to live beyond fast-food media & sound byte politics... I haven't read it yet, but it looks good.

Thanks David, SmartMeme, & Duncombe. I'm so glad knowing that other people who get it are out there.

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